INTESTINE Vol.3 No.6(1-2)

特集名 小さな(大きさ2cm以下)進行癌
題名 大きさ2cm以下大腸進行癌の特徴 (2) 病理学的特徴
発刊年月 1999年 11月
著者 大倉 康男 埼玉県立がんセンター臨床病理部
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Small advanced colorectal carcinoma less than 2cm in diameter
Title The histopathological features of the small ranced colorectal carcinomas less than 2cm in diameter
Author Yasuo Ohkura Department of Pathology, Saitama Cancer Center
[ Summary ] Small advanced colorectal carcinomas less than 2cm in diameter were thought to be related to superficial early carcinomas, mostly of the superfical depressed type (IIc type), because of their tendency toward submucosal invasion and their similarities of macroscopic shape. When we examined twenty-three cases of small colorectal carcionomas, operated on Saitama Cancer Center, certain clinicopathological features were revealed.
The results were as follows: 1) they were located in areas from the rectum to the sigmoid colon, 2) the rate of protruding lesions was higher, 3) the rate of carcinomas invading the muscularis propria was higher, 4) the main histological type was well differentiated adenocarcinoma, 5) the tendency toward lymph node metastasis was higher, compared with the total number of advanced carcinomas. However, these features were thought to indicate the early phase of advanced carcionoma, except for the tendency toward lymph node metastases. Also the histogenesis and developmental processes were not so different from those of larger ones. Histopathologically, small dvanced carcionomas were thought to be important lesions to reveal the developmental process of the most of submucosal invasive carcinomas of small ones.