INTESTINE Vol.3 No.5(3-1)

特集名 大腸腫瘍に対する内視鏡治療と腹腔鏡下治療の接点
題名 腹腔鏡下治療の適応と問題点 --内視鏡治療との接点を求めて (1) 内視鏡医の立場から b.大腸腫瘍性病変に対する腹腔鏡下治療の問題点
発刊年月 1999年 09月
著者 河野 弘志 久留米大学医学部第二内科・消化器病センター
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme The point of treatment between endoscopic resection and laparoscopic surgery in colorectal tumor
Title Indication and problems of laparoscopic colon surgery for colorectal tumors
Author Hiroshi Kawano Second Depertment of Medicine, Kurume University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Laparoscopic colon surgery for colorectal tumor is technically feasible and safe. However, there are various problems with this procedure. The most important problem is port-site metastasis. The incidence of port-site recurrence is 1.5-21%. This is higher than that reported following conventional surgery for colorectal cancer.
Laparoscopic colon surgery is indicated when tumorous lesions are over sm2 or sm3 in size. If the size of tumorous lesions is over 20mm, we can try EPMR. However, there are some problems with EPMR. For example, after we remove the tumor with EPMR, we cannot take out all specimens, and if we can take out all specimens, we cannot reconstruct them. Therefore if the size of a tumorous lesion is over 20 mm, we remove the lesion by laparoscopic colon surgery.