INTESTINE Vol.3 No.5(1)

特集名 大腸腫瘍に対する内視鏡治療と腹腔鏡下治療の接点
題名 大腸癌に対する腹腔鏡下手術の現況
発刊年月 1999年 09月
著者 小西 文雄 自治医科大学消化器一般外科
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme The point of treatment between endoscopic resection and laparoscopic surgery in colorectal tumor
Title Recent advances in laparoscopic colectomy for colorectal cancer
Author Fumio Konishi Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical School
[ Summary ] Laparoscopic-assisted colectomy for colorectal cancer is a controversial issue because of its technical difficulties and also for the problem of whether this procedure is as curative as open colectomy. We have carried out this procedure in 36 early colorectal cancer cases and also 67 advanced cancer cases. We have experienced only two cases with recurrence in our follow-up period. Port-site recurrence was not observed. We considered that when the patients are properly selected for this procedure, D3 lymphnode dissection is feasible, and surgical treatment with laparoscopic procedure would be as curative as open procedure.