INTESTINE Vol.3 No.4(2-1)

特集名 IIc由来のsm癌を考える
題名 病理の立場から --私はこう考える (1) IIc由来大腸sm癌の病理組織像
発刊年月 1999年 07月
著者 和田 了 順天堂大学医学部附属伊豆長岡病院臨床病理科 / 順天堂大学臨床病理
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Submucosal invated cancer derived from the IIc region
Title The pathological findings of large intestine cancer with submucosal invasion of the IIc origin
Author Ryo Wada The Department of Pathology, Juntendo Izunagaoka Hospital of Juntendo University School of Medicine / The Department of Pathology(I), Juntendo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Cancer of large intestine with submucosal invasion, of IIc origins is a perfect example of the type of cancer which can be estimated pathologically. This type has the IIc form, and the depth of cancerous invasion is into the shallower portion of the submucosal layer. It is possible to divide IIc roughly into two types (the maximum dimension for type 1, is 3 or 4mm in size and the type 2 is about 20mm). The latter, which displays a transformed macroscopic appearance because of deeper cancerous invasion, is the common form of this pathological disease. These findings are discussed from the viewpoint of the authors.