INTESTINE Vol.25 No.4(3-3-1)

特集名 大腸Ⅱc─革命のその後
題名 各分野における大腸Ⅱcの現状,存在意義と課題 (3) 病理医の立場から a. 発育・進展におけるpericryptal fibroblastと形質発現の意義
発刊年月 2021年 12月
著者 八尾 隆史 順天堂大学大学院医学研究科人体病理病態学
【 要旨 】 筆者が病理学に入門した頃から,大腸Ⅱcが多く発見されるようになり約30年経過した.これまでⅡcを含むNPG型腫瘍とPG型腫瘍の特徴を解析し,NPG型腫瘍は大腸癌発生に重要な役割を果たしていることやその悪性度の高さを示してきたが,まだその本質の解明は不十分である.Ⅱcは発見が困難で進行が速く悪性度が高いことを考えると,内視鏡治癒が期待できるより早期の段階で発見する必要がある.今こそ新たな気持ちでⅡcと向き合う必要があると思われる.
Theme Depressed type colorectal cancer -- Revolution and since then
Title Current status, significance and issues of IIctype colorectal cancer in each field: Significance of pericryptal fibroblast and phenotypic expression in tumor development
Author Takashi Yao Department of Human Pathology, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] About 30 years have passed since the author's introduction to pathology has led to the discovery of many colorectal IIc-type cancer. To date, we have analyzed the characteristics of non-polypoid growth (NPG)-and polypoid growth (PG)-type tumors and observed that NPG-type tumors (which are highly malignant lesions) play an important role in the development of colorectal cancer. However, the elucidation of its essence is still insufficient. Notably, IIc-type lesions are diagnostically challenging, show rapid progression, and are highly malignant; therefore, prompt detection during the early stage when they are likely to be amenable to endoscopic curative resection is important. It is necessary to review IIc lesions to gain a deeper understanding of this type of malignancy with a new feeling.