INTESTINE Vol.25 No.4(2)

特集名 大腸Ⅱc─革命のその後
題名 大腸Ⅱcの病理のあゆみと現状
発刊年月 2021年 12月
著者 河内 洋 がん研究会有明病院臨床病理センター病理部/がん研究会がん研究所病理部
【 要旨 】 大腸Ⅱcの病理について,その歩みと現状をまとめた.大腸Ⅱcの実像は,1977年の狩谷らの報告を嚆矢とし,家族性大腸腺腫症の注腸X線検査で発見された.組織学的には粘膜筋板に対し垂直に走行するストレートな腺管よりなり,細胞異型の高度な高分化腺癌が主たるもので,頻度は低いが印環細胞癌・低分化腺癌の場合もある.その後の症例蓄積により,小型でありながら粘膜下層浸潤の頻度が高いという臨床病理学的特徴が明らかになっている.大腸Ⅱcはde novo発癌の代表的肉眼形態と考えられるが,陥凹型腺腫由来のもの,隆起型が経時的に形態変化をきたしたもの,なども含まれると考えられ,厳密な区別が難しいものもある.陥凹型腺腫の存在を認めるか否か,その頻度等については,病理医による病理組織診断基準の相違により結論が異なる可能性がある.本邦と海外とでは粘膜内腫瘍の病理診断に対する考え方の違いはあるものの,いくつかの国や地域で大腸Ⅱcが発見されその意義が理解されつつある.
Theme Depressed type colorectal cancer -- Revolution and since then
Title History and present status of the pathology of depressed type (0-IIc) colorectal cancer
Author Hiroshi Kawachi Department of Pathology, Cancer Institute Hospital of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research / Division of Pathology, Cancer Institute of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
[ Summary ] In this article, the history and present status of the pathology of depressed type (0-IIc) colorectal cancer have been summarized. The first case of this type of cancer was reported by Kariya et al., in 1977 and 0-IIc was detected based on barium enema in the patients with familial adenomatous polyposis. Histologically, neoplastic crypts exhibited a straight shape with prominent nuclear atypia, indicating a well-differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma, and the histology was considered in the majority of 0-IIc cases. Meanwhile, signet-ring cell carcinoma or poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma was also known to exhibit 0-IIc type histology even if its frequency is low. Subsequent increase in the number of 0-Ⅱc cases revealed that 0-IIc tends to invade the submucosal layer frequently, although the size is relatively small. Generally, 0-IIc is regarded as a representative morphology of de novo colorectal cancer; however, there are a few cases of 0-IIc derived from depressed adenoma or protruded type tumor. Inter-observer reproducibility among pathologists remains poor and has not been overcome as yet. Recently, 0-IIc has been detected and subsequently its cases were reported in several countries other than Japan.