INTESTINE Vol.25 No.3(1)

特集名 炎症性腸疾患の分子標的治療を総括する
題名 炎症性腸疾患の内科治療指針を総括する
発刊年月 2021年 09月
著者 中村 志郎 大阪医科薬科大学第二内科
著者 宮嵜 孝子 大阪医科薬科大学第二内科
著者 柿本 一城 大阪医科薬科大学第二内科
著者 平田 有基 大阪医科薬科大学第二内科
著者 碕山 直邦 大阪医科薬科大学第二内科
著者 小柴 良司 大阪医科薬科大学第二内科
著者 木下 直彦 大阪医科薬科大学第二内科
著者 川崎 裕香 大阪医科薬科大学第二内科
著者 沼 圭二郎 大阪医科薬科大学第二内科
【 要旨 】 厚生労働省が主管する難病研究班(現在,久松班)では,炎症性腸疾患患者を診療する一般医を対象に,治療の適正化と標準化を目的として,1998年以降,治療指針が策定されている.近年の急速な内科治療の進歩に応じて,最近は毎年,改訂作業が行われ,最新の診療情報が研究班のホームページなどを通じて公開され,本邦の炎症性腸疾患診療の現場に広く普及し利用されている.本稿では,2021年3月末に公開された最新の令和2年度改訂版をもとに,潰瘍性大腸炎とクローン病の治療原則や目標,さらには近年,数多く登場した分子標的薬の適応や選択について概説した.
Theme An up-to-date review of the molecular-targeted therapies for inflammatory bowel disease
Title Review of consensus statement for the management of inflammatory bowel disease
Author Shiro Nakamura 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Author Takako Miyazaki 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Author Kazuki Kakimoto 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Author Yuki Hirata 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Author Naokuni Sakiyama 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Author Ryoji Koshiba 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Author Naohiko Kinoshita 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Author Yuka Kawasaki 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Author Keijiro Numa 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
[ Summary ] The Consensus Guidelines for the management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease were established and published by the Group for "Investigation and Research on Intractable Inflammatory Intestinal Disorders" (Hisamatsu Group, which includes Japanese specialists). These guidelines aim to optimize and standardize the treatment approaches to inflammatory bowel disease adopted by general physicians who treat this condition in routine practice. Following rapid advances in medical therapy in recent years, these guidelines are updated every year to provide the latest medical information and are widely adopted by medical personnel across Japan. This review describes the therapeutic principles and goals in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, as well as the indications and approaches to the selection of molecular targeted drugs that have been introduced in recent years, based on the latest consensus guideline-update released at the end of March 2021.