INTESTINE Vol.25 No.2(1)

特集名 大腸Ⅱc─症例アトラス
題名 大腸Ⅱc への思い─現在・過去・未来
発刊年月 2021年 07月
著者 藤井 隆広 藤井隆広クリニック
【 要旨 】 大腸Ⅱcは,工藤進英らによって“幻の癌”から“実在の癌”へと,日本のみならず国際的にもその認識を変えた,その功績は大きい.しかし,それから30年以上過ぎた今でもⅡcの解明は進んでいない.その原因として,Ⅱcに比べ発見しやすいSSA/PやLST-NGは学会などで取り上げられるものの,発見数が少ないⅡcは最近では議題にも挙がらない状況である.Ⅱcの発見数が少ない要因には,Ⅱcを発見することが困難であるとともにⅡcは発育速度が速く,Ⅱcが深部浸潤した後の形態変化はⅡa+ⅡcやⅠs+Ⅱc,そして進行癌へとスピーディーに形を変えていく,そのためⅡcの形態を維持する期間は短く,発見するチャンスが少ないものと考える.Ⅱcの発見率向上には,初回の大腸内視鏡検査数を増やすこと,そして,その検査も前処置良好でⅡcの存在を意識した質の高い内視鏡観察が必要と考える.しかしながら,近い将来には新たな内視鏡検査機器の開発によって大腸Ⅱcを誰もが発見できる時代が来るものと期待している.
Theme Atlas of type IIc colorectal cancer
Title Evolving thoughts on depressed type colorectal cancer(IIc): past, present, and future
Author Takahiro Fujii TF Clinic
[ Summary ] The work of Prof. Shin-ei Kudo and his colleagues played a major role in changing the status of colorectal IIc lesions from "illusory" to "actual" neoplastic lesions in Japan and the world at large. In the 30 years that followed, however, these lesions have remained poorly characterized. One possible reason is that while sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps) or non-granular type laterally spreading tumors (LST-NGs) are readily detectable and provide material for discussion at congress meetings, colorectal IIc lesions are far less detectable and less likely to be the subject of discussion. Colorectal IIc lesions remain poorly detectable because they inherently grow slowly and undergo rapid morphological changes after achieving deep submucosal invasion, from IIa+IIc to Is+IIc to advanced cancer, while retaining morphological characteristic of IIc lesions for a brief duration in which they remain unlikely to be recognized. To improve the rate of IIc lesion detection, therefore, the number of patients who undergo initial colonoscopies needs to increase, and these examinations must be substantiated by high-quality colonoscopic observations focused on IIc lesion detection. In the near future, I expect to see the advent of an age in which novel colonoscopy devices will be made available to enable all endoscopists to easily detect IIc lesions.