INTESTINE Vol.25 No.1(1-2)

特集名 大腸癌のスクリーニングとサーベイランスの標準化に向けて─新しい知見から
題名 スクリーニング (2) 便潜血検査による大腸癌スクリーニングの有効性のエビデンス
発刊年月 2021年 05月
著者 斎藤 博 青森県立中央病院
【 要旨 】 便潜血検査による大腸がん検診は化学法便潜血検査(化学法)に関する4件のランダム化比較試験(RCT)で逐年および隔年(2年間隔)の検診についていずれも有効性が示された.その効果は死亡率減少のメタアナリシスでは16%と評価された.大腸がん検診プログラムにおける検診法としてのreversed passive hemagglutination(RPHA)法による免疫法便潜血検査(FIT)と検診プログラムは日本で開発・評価された.その有効性は,1日法を用いた検診プログラムに関する4件の症例対照研究により,受診歴がない個人に比べ,ある個人では一致して大腸癌死亡リスクが低下することが報告された.また進行癌罹患リスク抑制効果も1研究で報告された.RCTで算出されるのは非受診者も含めた死亡率減少効果なので化学法とFITの死亡率抑制効果の大きさが直接比較できる研究はないが,FITで効果が大きいことが示唆されている.FITは化学法より感度が高いことが前向き試験などで示されており,また大腸癌,advanced adenomaに対する発見率,要精検率(≒特異度)を比較したRCTが報告され,FITで要精検率がやや高いものの,発見率は2倍以上と高く,以上からFITの効果が大きいと考えられている.
Theme Colorectal cancer screening and surveillance -- Prospects towards standardization from new findings
Title Evidence for the efficacy of colorectal cancer screening programs using fecal occult blood tests
Author Hiroshi Saito Aomori Prefectural Central Hospital
[ Summary ] There have been accumulated firm evidence for the efficacy of fecal occult blood screening in reducing mortality for colorectal cancer. Four randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were reported which evaluated the efficacy of guaiac-based fecal occult blood test or the Hemoccult test. Consistent results showing mortality reduction for colorectal cancer through the screening programs were reported across the trials. Reported magnitudes of mortality reduction were 33 % for the annual screening program and 13-21 % for biennial programs. A meta-analysis showed 16 % reduced mortality for all programs and 15 % for those employing biennial screening. In addition, incidence reduction was also observed in the population that underwent the screening. Fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) by reversed passive hemagglutination (RPHA) method was developed as a screening test in population-based screening programs and was evaluated for efficacy in terms of mortality reduction in Japan. Although evidence from RCTs is lacking, several observational studies consistently reported reduced mortality from colorectal cancer among those undergoing the RPHA test by 60-80 % as compared with those not undergoing a screening test. Furthermore, sensitivities of RPHA test and other FIT were seen to be higher than that of the Hemoccult test. A RCT showed a doubly higher detection rate of colorectal cancers and advanced adenomas among those who were tested with FIT as compared with those tested with the Hemoccult test, with slight increase in the positivity rate. FIT is now considered to predominate the Hemoccult test in terms of possibly higher magnitude of mortality reduction.