INTESTINE Vol.24 No.1(6)

特集名 ここまで来たde novo cancer
題名 De novo cancerの病理診断 ─ 陥凹型腺腫との異同を含めて
発刊年月 2020年 04月
著者 河内 洋 がん研究会有明病院臨床病理センター病理部
著者 中野 薫 がん研究会有明病院臨床病理センター病理部
【 要旨 】 大腸におけるde novo cancerの病理診断について,陥凹型腺腫との異同を含めて検討した.陥凹型成分を含む大腸腫瘍自験例21例の見直しでは,de novo cancer14例,腺腫4例,腺腫を伴う癌3例であった.癌と腺腫との鑑別には,腺管の形状,表層から深部に向かう分化傾向,核クロマチン,核小体,核形状,核密度,核極性,等の所見を総合して判断していた.代表的病変8例の組織像を提示し,考察を加えた.
Theme Current destination of "de novo cancer"
Title Pathological diagnosis of de novo cancer of the colon and rectum
Author Hiroshi Kawachi Department of Pathology, The Cancer Institute Hospital
Author Kaoru Nakano Department of Pathology, The Cancer Institute Hospital
[ Summary ] In this article, the histopathological diagnosis of de novo colorectal cancer is introduced. In a retrospective review of 21 cases of superficial colorectal tumors with depressed areas, 14, 4, and 3 cases were diagnosed as adenocarcinoma (de novo cancer), adenoma, and adenocarcinoma with an adenoma component, respectively. The important histological findings for the discrimination of adenocarcinoma from adenoma were the shape of the neoplastic crypts, cellular differentiation from the top of the mucosa toward the basal side, nuclear chromatin pattern, nucleoli, shape of the nuclei, and nuclear polarity. Herein, eight representative lesions are demonstrated, and the historical and practical issues in de novo cancer of the colon and rectum are discussed.