INTESTINE Vol.24 No.1(2)

特集名 ここまで来たde novo cancer
題名 De novo cancer発見への挑戦 ─ 通常内視鏡・色素内視鏡,画像強調内視鏡(非拡大)まで
発刊年月 2020年 04月
著者 藤井 隆広 藤井隆広クリニック
【 要旨 】 当院で施行した2回以上のTCS検査2,622症例中post-colonoscopy colorectal cancer(PCCRC)は8例に認め,そのほとんどはLST-NGや陥凹型由来の見逃し癌と考えられる病変であった.PCCRCとして欧米が注目するsessile serrated lesion(SSL)由来と思われる病変は認めなかった.これらの表面型癌を見逃さず,早期の段階で誰もが発見できる内視鏡観察法が期待されている.現状では,WLI観察,色素観察,NBI観察があるなかで,正面視可能な盲腸の部位をモデルに,どの観察法が優れているかを検討したところ,色素>NBI>WLI 観察であった.しかしながら,色素観察法で全大腸のスクリーニングを行ううえでは,欠点として色素貯留部位での表面型腫瘍の拾い上げ診断に課題を有している.全大腸の内視鏡スクリーニングにおいて,色素観察以外のWLIとNBI観察を比較検討した結果,LST-NGやⅡcの発見にはNBI観察の有用性が示された.さらに,NBI観察によるⅡcは,陥凹辺縁の反応性隆起部がリング状のbrownishに見え,そのリング中央の陥凹面は正~褪色調に見える特徴像があり,これをO-ring signと呼んでいる.全大腸に対する内視鏡観察は,NBI観察が表面型腫瘍発見に有用であり,とくにⅡcの発見にはO-ring signを意識した観察が重要と考えられた.しかし,将来に向けてはNBIや色素観察を超える画像強調観察や,人工知能(AI)によるⅡc発見に向けた開発が期待される.
Theme Current destination of "de novo cancer"
Title Challenges for detection of de novo cancer using conventional white light endoscopy, chromoendoscopy and image-enhanced endoscopy
Author Takahiro Fujii TF Clinic
[ Summary ] Of 2,622 patients who underwent total colonoscopy more than twice at the TF clinic, 8 patients were detected with PCCRC. Most of the 8 cases were "missed" LST-NG or depressed like cancer. Although it is currently assumed in Western countries that sessile serrated lesions (SSLs) may be the likely culprit lesions for post-colonoscopy colorectal cancer (PCCRC) in many cases, there were no SSLs in these eight PCCRC cases.
The development of current techniques and devices to easily detect superficial depressed cancer (IIc) will be a long-awaited innovation. Current colonoscopic screening with IIc has evolved over time with advances in endoscopic technology, such that conventional white-light imaging (WLI) is being increasingly replaced with image-enhanced endoscopy (IEE) with narrow-band imaging (NBI) as the mainstay for screening. Prospective screening for cecal diminutive adenomas sequentially with WLI, NBI, and chromoendoscopy (CE) show that cecal diminutive adenomas are detected most frequently with CE, followed by NBI and WLI, suggesting the usefulness of CE. However, the difficulty in detecting IIc submarined under a pool of dye solutions can be considered a disadvantage of CE during TCS. Furthermore, a comparison of WLI and NBI without CE shows the superiority of NBI over WLI in detecting non-granular-type (LST-NG) tumors and IIc. Depressed and reactive elevated areas of depressed tumors are visualized as whitish and brownish, respectively, on NBI, which together constitute the so-called "O-ring sign", which characterize the NBI findings of IIc. In the future, IIc may be detected efficiently by any colonoscopist at various experiential levels. We hope to develop new colonoscopic technology, devices, and artificial intelligence (AI).