INTESTINE Vol.23 No.4(5)

特集名 原因不明消化管出血(OGIB)
題名 緊急カプセル内視鏡・バルーン内視鏡を可能にする体制作りと実際の運用
発刊年月 2019年 08月
著者 山村 健史 名古屋大学医学部附属病院光学医療診療部
著者 中村 正直 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
著者 前田 啓子 名古屋大学医学部附属病院光学医療診療部
著者 澤田 つな騎 名古屋大学医学部附属病院光学医療診療部
著者 古川 和宏 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
著者 宮原 良二 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
著者 川嶋 啓揮 名古屋大学医学部附属病院光学医療診療部
著者 藤城 光弘 名古屋大学大学院消化器内科学
【 要旨 】 小腸疾患の内視鏡診断はバルーン内視鏡(balloon-assisted endoscopy;BAE)や小腸カプセル内視鏡(small bowel capsule endoscopy;SBCE)など検査デバイスの発展により,飛躍的に向上した.それに伴い原因不明の消化管出血であるOGIB(obscure gastrointestinal bleeding)に関する論文も多く報告されるようになり,その全貌が明らかになってきている.かつて外科的手術や血管内放射線治療が必要とされた小腸出血は,内視鏡的に止血が可能になっており,患者への侵襲も少なく済むようになった.
Theme Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (OGIB)
Title Preparation of a system that enables emergency small bowel capsule endoscope and balloon-assisted endoscope and its practical use
Author Takeshi Yamamura Department of Endoscopy, Nagoya University Hospital
Author Masanao Nakamura Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Keiko Maeda Department of Endoscopy, Nagoya University Hospital
Author Tsunaki Sawada Department of Endoscopy, Nagoya University Hospital
Author Kazuhiro Furukawa Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Ryoji Miyahara Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Hiroki Kawashima Department of Endoscopy, Nagoya University Hospital
Author Mitsuhiro Fujishiro Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Endoscopic diagnosis of small bowel diseases has significantly improved following technological advances leading to the introduction of procedures such as balloon-assisted endoscopy and small bowel capsule endoscopy. Several studies have reported the use of this advanced technology for the evaluation of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (OGIB). Conventionally, definitive treatment of small bowel bleeding included interventional radiology or surgical procedures. However, currently, a less invasive endoscopic approach is available, which achieves satisfactory hemostasis in most cases. An algorithm established in 2015 is commonly used as a reference for the diagnosis and treatment of OGIB (reference). This algorithm describes that the time interval between symptom onset and examination and the type of lesion causing bleeding determine whether the source of bleeding will be identified. To disseminate these small bowel examination techniques for the evaluation of OGIB, it is essential to establish the knowledge that is only partially covered by the algorithm. We describe the current status of OGIB management implemented at our hospital.