INTESTINE Vol.23 No.4(2-3)

特集名 原因不明消化管出血(OGIB)
題名 OGIBの原因 (3) OGIBの原因となる血管性病変
発刊年月 2019年 08月
著者 松田 知己 仙台厚生病院消化器内視鏡センター
著者 中堀 昌人 仙台厚生病院消化器内視鏡センター
著者 平澤 大 仙台厚生病院消化器内視鏡センター
著者 奥薗 徹 仙台厚生病院消化器内視鏡センター
著者 鈴木 憲次郎 仙台厚生病院消化器内視鏡センター
著者 阿部 洋子 仙台厚生病院消化器内視鏡センター
著者 五十嵐 公洋 仙台厚生病院消化器内視鏡センター
著者 名和田 義高 仙台厚生病院消化器内視鏡センター
著者 長南 明道 仙石病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 カプセル内視鏡・バルーン内視鏡が普及してきた現在も,OGIB(obscure gastrointestinal bleeding,原因不明消化管出血)の原因となる血管性病変の診断は容易ではない.それは微小病変が多いため,活動性出血がないときの存在診断の困難性と小腸外出血の可能性も否定できないことによる.
Theme Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (OGIB)
Title Study of vascular lesions possibly associated with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding
Author Tomoki Matsuda Digestive Endoscopy Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Author Masato Nakahori Digestive Endoscopy Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Author Dai Hirasawa Digestive Endoscopy Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Author Toru Okuzono Digestive Endoscopy Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Author Kenjiro Suzuki Digestive Endoscopy Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Author Yoko Abe Digestive Endoscopy Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Author Kimihiro Igarashi Digestive Endoscopy Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Author Yoshitaka Nawata Digestive Endoscopy Center, Sendai Kousei Hospital
Author Akimichi Chonan Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology), Senseki Hospital
[ Summary ] Diagnosing vascular lesions associated with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (OGIB) is difficult even with evaluation performed using capsule/balloon endoscopy.
This difficulty may be attributed to the fact that microscopic lesions are challenging to identify, and the source of bleeding cannot be easily detected in the absence of active bleeding. Therefore, in such instances, bleeding may be misdiagnosed as originating from outside the small intestine (extraintestinal lesions).
Among the 435 patients with OGIB who underwent balloon-assisted endoscopic examinations since April 2004 at our hospital, 91 patients (20.9 %) (51 men, 40 women, mean age 70.5±5 years) were diagnosed with vascular lesions including bleeding sources outside the small intestine (extraintestinal lesions).
Relatively older patients with cardiovascular complications are at a risk of developing vascular lesions attributed to OGIB. Emergency endoscopy performed during an episode of active bleeding is useful for definitive diagnosis.