INTESTINE Vol.23 No.3(3-2)

特集名 早期大腸癌内視鏡治療後の転移再発と予後
題名 先行する内視鏡治療は追加手術後の予後に影響するか? (2) 予後に影響させないための注意点
発刊年月 2019年 06月
著者 吉井 新二 NTT東日本札幌病院消化器内科
著者 奥田 博介 恵佑会札幌病院腫瘍内科
著者 久須美 貴哉 恵佑会札幌病院外科
著者 塚越 洋元 恵佑会札幌病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 転移の可能性のある大腸T1癌に内視鏡治療を行うことが追加手術後の予後に影響を与えないか危惧される.内視鏡治療の熱焼灼によって遺残腫瘍の増殖能が上がるという報告や,切除後検体からは評価できない非連続性脈管侵襲の報告等,慎重な意見がある一方,長期成績,周術期の合併症,死亡例の比較において先行する内視鏡治療は予後に影響しないと考えられている.しかし,SM浸潤度以外のリスク因子はすべて腫瘍先進部の組織所見であることから,確実に一括完全摘除することがきわめて重要である.また,精度の高い内視鏡診断を行い,適切な切除標本の取り扱いができるように病理側と密接に連携することが重要である.
Theme Metastatic recurrence and prognosis after endoscopic treatment for early colorectal carcinoma
Title The evidences and known techniques to minimize adverse effects of prior endoscopic therapy for better prognosis of T1 colorectal carcinoma
Author Shinji Yoshii Department of Gastroenterology, Sapporo Medical Center, NTT EC
Author Hiroyuki Okuda Department of Medical Oncology, Keiyukai Sapporo Hospital
Author Takaya Kusumi Department of Sergery, Keiyukai Sapporo Hospital
Author Hiroyuki Tsukagoshi Department of Gastroenterology, Keiyukai Sapporo Hospital
[ Summary ] As the endoscopic removal of T1 colorectal carcinoma is becoming a common procedure, there has been increasing concern about the adverse effects of subsequent surgery by endoscopic treatment. One of the publications reported that the prior endoscopic procedure possibly increased tumor cell proliferation by electrocautery. The other publication reported the discontinuous lymphovenous invasion which cannot be diagnosed by endoscopically resected materials.
On the other hand, several publications proved the safety of prior endoscopic procedures in terms of long-term survival and adverse events during subsequent operative period. For better survival of T1 colorectal carcinoma patients, the precise pathological diagnosis is important because it enables accurate risk assessment of the patient including the judgement regarding subsequent colon removal. Because most of the pathological assessments were judged based on the invasive tumor front, it is extremely important to remove the tumor completely as 'en-bloc'. Precise endoscopic diagnosis and accurate endoscopic treatment as well as close cooperation with pathologists are required for the endoscopists in the era of endoscopic cancer treatment.