INTESTINE Vol.22 No.4(2-2-1)

特集名 炎症性腸疾患の粘膜治癒を考える
題名 各論(2)クローン病の画像診断modality a.バリウムX線造影
発刊年月 2018年 07月
著者 江﨑 幹宏 佐賀大学医学部附属病院光学医療診療部/九州大学大学院病態機能内科学
【 要旨 】 クローン病(CD)診療におけるX線造影検査の臨床的意義について再考した.全消化管に病変を形成しうるCDでは,消化管を包括的に評価する必要がある.一方,CDは腸管狭窄,瘻孔,膿瘍形成などの腸管合併症や肛門病変も高率に合併するため,内視鏡検査が困難となる症例が少なくない.このようなCDの消化管評価においてX線造影検査は有用性が高いと考えられるが,X線被曝の問題がある.X線被曝がなく,同様に消化管病変の包括的評価が可能とされるMR enterographyなどのcross-sectional imagingと有用性について比較検証する必要がある.
Theme Recent advances in detection of mucosal healing in inflammatory bowel disease
Title Clinical significance of barium contrast radiography in Crohn's disease
Author Motohiro Esaki Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Saga University Hospital / Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyusyu University
[ Summary ] Clinical significance of barium contrast radiography for the evaluation and management of Crohn's disease (CD) was reconsidered. Because CD is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can involve any part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, comprehensive evaluation of the GI tract is mandatory to determine its disease activity accurately. Endoscopic evaluation is considered as the gold standard in CD, however, intestinal complications including stenosis, fistula, and intraabdominal abscess, or severe perianal lesions frequently hamper the application of the procedure. Barium contrast radiography can be applicable for such cases, whereas the problematic Xray exposure remains. Comparative studies between barium contrast radiography and cross-sectional imaging should be necessary to determine the clinical significance of the procedure in CD.