INTESTINE Vol.22 No.3(10)

特集名 病態から考え出されたIBD治療の進歩
題名 ブデソニド経口剤
発刊年月 2018年 05月
著者 河合 幹夫 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患学講座内科部門
著者 中村 志郎 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患学講座内科部門
【 要旨 】 抗TNF-α抗体製剤はクローン病(CD)に対する著明な効果から急速に普及し内科治療の成績も大きく改善されたが,二次無効というまた新たな問題にも直面している.ブデソニド経口剤は,局所主体に作用し全身性の副作用が軽減されるアンテドラッグ型のステロイド剤で,回盲部に病変の主座を有する軽症から中等症の活動期CD患者の寛解導入に推奨されている.本邦では歴史的に本症に対するステロイド剤使用は欧米に比し低率であるが,安全性の改善された同薬の登場により,発症時のみならず,経過中の一過性再燃や二次無効例にも適応が考慮され,本症内科治療のさらなる向上が期待される.
Theme Recent advance in the treatment of IBD based on the pathogenesis
Title Oral budesonide for inflammatory bowel diseases
Author Mikio Kawai Division of Internal Medicine, Department of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Shiro Nakamura Division of Internal Medicine, Department of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] Anti-TNF treatment has significantly improved the clinical course of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis. However, therapeutic efficacy may wane over time, resulting in secondary loss of response. Therefore, novel therapeutic options for IBD are eagerly anticipated. Budesonide is a corticosteroid with topical anti-inflammatory potency but low systemic potency. Oral budesonide for CD was approved in Japan in 2016. It is an antedrug steroid which is designed to be absorbed in the ileum and ascending colon. It is suitable for induction of remission in mild to moderately active CD. Although the frequency of steroid use for CD is lower in Japan than in Western countries, the use of this drug can reduce the side effects of systemic potency, and increase safety. Consequently, this drug may be used in various clinical situations, including onset and recurrent exacerbation of CD, as well as secondary loss of response to biologics. Oral budesonide may be a safe and promising therapeutic option and contribute to better management of CD.