INTESTINE Vol.21 No.5(1-2-2)

特集名 大腸腫瘍診断のモダリティと新たな展開─存在診断能・質的診断能の向上を目指して
題名 通常内視鏡における存在診断能向上の検討(2)通常内視鏡での画像強調観察 b. NBIによる診断能の向上の可能性
発刊年月 2017年 09月
著者 藤井 隆広 藤井隆広クリニック
【 要旨 】 大腸表面型腫瘍のスクリーニングは,内視鏡機器の進化とともに白色光(white light imaging ; WLI)からNarrow Band Imaging (NBI)などの画像強調観察へと変わりつつある.当院でのWLIとNBIの腫瘍発見能の比較検討では,NBIがLST-NGの発見に有用であった.また,陥凹型腫瘍のNBI所見は,陥凹面が白色調,反応性隆起部はbrownishに視認され,これを"O-ring sign"と呼び,NBIによる陥凹型腫瘍発見の特徴像と考えられた.なお,盲腸に限局してWLI→NBI→インジゴカルミン色素(chromoendoscopy ; CE)の順に微小腺腫の発見数を前向きに検討したところ,CE 47病変>NBI 37病変>WLI 11病変で,最終観察のCEで発見された微小腺腫が最多であり,CEがそのほかに比較しもっとも有用であった.現状の全大腸スクリーニングには,NBI観察による盲腸からの抜去観察が有用だが,将来に向けては色素観察を超える画像強調観察の開発が期待される.
Theme Modality and new development in diagnosis for colorectal tumor -- with the aim of the improvement of a presence and qualitative diagnosis
Title Significance of NBI colonoscopy screening for superficial colorectal tumor
Author Takahiro Fujii TF Clinic
[ Summary ] Screening for superficial colorectal tumors has evolved over time with advances in endoscopic technology. Conventional white-light imaging (WLI) is being increasingly replaced with image-enhanced endoscopy (IEE) with narrow-band imaging (NBI) as the mainstay for screening. A comparison between WLI and NBI shows the superiority of NBI over WLI in detecting non-granular type (LST-NG) tumors. Depressed and reactive elevated areas of depressed tumors are visualized as whitish and brownish, with NBI. Together they constitute the so-called "O-ring sign" characteristic of NBI findings for depressed tumors. On the other hand, a prospective screening for cecal diminutive adenomas alone sequentially with WLI, NBI, and chromoendoscopy (indigo carmine dye spraying) showed that cecal dimutive adenomas were detected most frequently with chromoendoscopy, followed by NBI and WLI (47, 37 and 11 lesions, respectively) suggesting the usefulness of chromoendoscopy. Thus, while NBI appears to represent the mainstay for pan-colonic screening at present, further refinements in IEE are required to improve chromoendoscopy with pan-colonic screening.