INTESTINE Vol.21 No.3(3-1)

特集名 直腸早期癌─治療の新たな展開
題名 内視鏡治療(1)ポケット法(Pocket-creation method ; PCM)を用いた直腸ESD
発刊年月 2017年 05月
著者 林 芳和 自治医科大学内科学講座消化器内科学部門
著者 山本 博徳 自治医科大学内科学講座消化器内科学部門
【 要旨 】 直腸ESD(内視鏡的粘膜下層剝離術)は手技的に比較的容易といわれているが,肛門管に近接する腫瘍では慎重を要する.とくに粘膜下層軽度浸潤癌がそこに存在する場合,そのESDの果たす役割は非常に大きくなる.なぜならESDにより治癒的に切除できれば,追加手術に伴う永久人工肛門を回避できるからである.しかし,その追加切除の要否を正確に判断するためにはハイクオリティな病理標本が必要である.そのためにはポケット法(Pocket-creation method ; PCM)を用いたESDがもっとも良い.
Theme New evolvement in treatment for early rectal cancer
Title Pocket-creation method (PCM) for rectal endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)
Author Yoshikazu Hayashi Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical University
Author Hironori Yamamoto Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical University
[ Summary ] Generally, it is believed that rectal ESD is comparatively easier to treat than colonic conditions. However, ESD for tumors near the anal canal presents a delicate problem. If a slightly invasive submucosal carcinoma is there, ESD can play an important role. Because curative resection is achieved with ESD, we can avoid additional surgery involving colostomies. Therefore, it is important to obtain a high-quality specimen with pathology minimumally thermally damaged thick submucosal tissue and of course negative margins. ESD can then be used to produce a correct diagnosis to determine whether the patient needs additional surgery or not. To perform the task, the pocket-creation method (PCM) ESD is the best choice. The reason why is that PCM ESD can stretch the submucosal tissue and safely cut the tissue at minimumally safe distances from the muscle layer.