INTESTINE Vol.21 No.2(10)

特集名 小児・妊婦・高齢者に対するIBD診療
題名 高齢者に対する炎症性腸疾患治療における注意点
発刊年月 2017年 03月
著者 長堀 正和 東京医科歯科大学消化器内科
【 要旨 】 高齢炎症性腸疾患(IBD)患者は,決してまれではなく,年齢からくる問題(併存疾患,ポリファーマシー,ADLの低下,認知機能の低下など)のほかに,IBD治療薬との関連で,感染症やある種の悪性腫瘍のリスクが高くなる可能性が示唆される.しかし,「高齢」のカットオフはなく,患者・家族の意向や併存疾患の予後などを慎重に検討したうえで,高齢IBD患者のQOLの改善に努め,「高齢」という理由だけで積極的な治療を差し控えることがあってはならない.
Theme Treatment for children, pregnant women and elderly patients with IBD
Title Medical management of elderly IBD patients : Are different approaches required ?
Author Masakazu Nagahori Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
[ Summary ] Inflammatory bowel disease patients are commonly observed in elderly population and are likely to be related to age-related problems such as comorbidities, poly-pharmacy, decreased ADL, and altered cognitive function. They are also thought to be at slightly higher risk of developing certain infections and malignancies associated with immune-modulating medical therapies. However, clear cut distinctions are not available to define "elderly" patients. We must maximize QOL for elderly IBD patients. We must also take into account their wishes, along with their family's wishes, in relation to prognosis of comorbidities. We should not refrain from aggressive therapies simply because of their chronological age.