INTESTINE Vol.21 No.1(3)

特集名 大腸Interval cancerをめぐる最近の知見
題名 大腸Interval cancerの頻度,発生危険因子,悪性度と予後
発刊年月 2017年 01月
著者 小林 望 栃木県立がんセンター消化器内科
著者 小西 潤 栃木県立がんセンター消化器内科
著者 今野 真己 栃木県立がんセンター消化器内科
【 要旨 】 大腸のinterval cancerの頻度に関しては3~7%程度とする報告が多いが,interval cancerの定義自体が報告によって異なること,データ収集の方法や対象者の大腸癌リスクに差があることなどから,そのばらつきは大きい.interval cancerの発生に寄与する因子の多くは,見逃し,不完全な内視鏡治療といった人為的なものと考えられているが,MSI,CIMPといった生物学的要因との関連も示唆されており,その前駆病変として,sessile serrated adenomaや表面陥凹型腫瘍が注目されている.interval cancerの進行度や予後に関しては,散発性大腸癌より早期の段階で発見されるため予後も良好であるとする報告も散見されるが,一定の結論には至っていない.これらの報告が事実であればinterval cancerの多くは予防できるはずであり,内視鏡検査のさらなる向上が望まれる.
Theme Current topics in interval colorectal cancers
Title Prevalence, risk factors, and prognoses of interval cancers
Author Nozomu Kobayashi Department of Gastroenterology, Tochigi Cancer Center
Author Jun Konishi Department of Gastroenterology, Tochigi Cancer Center
Author Maki Konno Department of Gastroenterology, Tochigi Cancer Center
[ Summary ] The prevalence of interval cancers is reported to be between 3 % and 7 %. However, this varies according to the definition of interval cancer, study design, and study population. Most interval cancers are thought to be lesions which were missed in previous examinations or residual lesions. Different biological factors may contribute to the development of interval cancer. Interval cancers are more likely to arise in the right colon and have microsatellite instability as well as exhibiting CpG island methylator phenotypes than sporadic colorectal cancers. Sessile serrated adenomas share these features with interval cancers. In addition, sessile serrated adenomas are difficult to detect and remove completely, because of their inconspicuous borders. This is because sessile serrated adenomas are considered to be precursors of interval cancer, as are non-polypoid type lesions, which are also common in the right colon and difficult to detect. Most studies have reported that the stage of interval cancers and prognoses for these patients does not differ from those with sporadic lesions. These results also suggest that the cause of interval cancers is not aggressive biology but missed lesions. If this is true, interval cancers may be prevented by improving colonoscopic quality.