INTESTINE Vol.20 No.6(1)

特集名 診断に迷うIBDの非典型例
題名 IBDの典型像─臨床所見
発刊年月 2016年 11月
著者 鈴木 康夫 東邦大学医療センター佐倉病院内科
【 要旨 】 炎症性腸疾患(IBD)患者に対する適切な治療は,迅速で的確な診断によって初めて可能になる.IBDを的確に診断するには,IBDに典型的な臨床症状と画像所見を確認し,診断基準に照らし合わせ確定診断することが必要である.しかし,IBDに典型的とされる臨床症状や画像所見は必ずしもIBDのみに特異的ではなく,各種他疾患でも同様の臨床症状や画像所見を呈することはまれでない.IBDの診断に際しては,典型的臨床症状を的確に把握すると同時に,同様の臨床症状や画像所見を呈する各種疾患を慎重に除外診断することが求められる.
Theme Atypical cases of inflammatory bowel disease diagnosed with difficulty
Title Typical clinical symptoms and typical radiological to endoscopic findings for inflammatory bowel disease
Author Yasuo Suzuki Department of Internal Medicine, Sakura Medical Center, Toho University
[ Summary ] The best therapies can be provided to patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) only after swift and accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to confirm typical clinical symptoms and typical radiological/endoscopic findings. We must examine those findings in terms of diagnostic criteria when patients are diagnosed as having IBD or not. However, we must take care when we analyze typical clinical symptoms and typical radiological/endoscopic findings which are not always specific to IBD. Other intestinal diseases can occasionally present similar clinical symptoms or radiological/endoscopic findings. At the time of IBD diagnosis, we must carefully rule out various other diseases which may exhibit similar clinical symptoms or radiological/endoscopic findings.