INTESTINE Vol.20 No.1(7)

特集名 『早期大腸癌』からの20年,『INTESTINE』からの今後20年
題名 大腸内視鏡挿入法と挿入に関わる内視鏡機器の進歩・変遷
発刊年月 2016年 01月
著者 津田 純郎 岡山市医師会総合メディカルセンター附属診療所
【 要旨 】 大腸内視鏡挿入における内視鏡操作のポイント,用手圧迫,体位変換,そして,実践的な挿入法を解説する.
Theme "Early Colorectal Cancer" and "Intestine", Road to future
Title Colonoscope insertion techniques and advances in endoscopic tools for insertion
Author Sumio Tsuda Okayama-city Medical Association, Medical Center
[ Summary ] Basic points of colonoscope operation, abdominal hand pressure, patient position changes and insertion techniques used in colonoscopy are explained. The efficiency of the endoscopic tools is an important factor for colonoscope insertion. Therefore, the remarkable advances and changes in those endoscopic tools such as those made by the Olympus Corp. are relevant to insertion.