INTESTINE Vol.2 No.3(4)

特集名 大腸癌の発育進展とIIc
題名 分子生物学的立場から --IIc型早期大腸癌の遺伝子異常
発刊年月 1998年 05月
著者 馬塲 正三 浜松医科大学第二外科
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme The roll of superficial depressed type on developmental process of colorectal cancer
Title Genetic abnormalities in IIc type early colorectal cancer
Author Shozo Baba Second Department of Surgery, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Superficial depressed type of early colorectal cancer (IIc type) was first recognized radio logically by Kariya in 1977. Since then many cases have been reported in Japan by various endoscopists. These tiny depressed lesions can be candate lesions of de novo cancers, however, detailed genetic analysis has not been elucidated. As for colorectal carcinogenesis, it is now known that there are considered to be alternative genetic pathways besides adenoma in the carcinoma sequence. It has been now clarified that the incidence of K-ras mutation in IIc type of early cancer is very low. Genes playing a key role in various carcinogenetic pathways were discussed.