INTESTINE Vol.2 No.1(1-1)

特集名 真の大腸IIcとは --形態の問題点
題名 大腸IIcのとらえ方(定義)(1) 内視鏡の立場から a. 発育進展からみた真のIIc
発刊年月 1998年 01月
著者 工藤 進英 秋田赤十字病院胃腸センター
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme True type IIc colorectal lesion? -- An issue of its morphological diagnosis
Title The pure depressed type of early colorectal cancer
Author Shin-ei Kudo Division of Gastroenterology, Akita Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] The pure depressed type of early colorectal cancer (IIc) is a well-demarcated depression, as exemplified by lesions which have a star-like or roundish irregular margin. Depressed type cancer of which the tumorous portion is not elevated and the depressed base is lower than or nearlyequal to the normal mucosa in height, is referred to as type IIc or IIc+IIa. These lesions, even when of minute size, show a high percentage of invasion into the submucosal layer and take a de novo route with a type IIIs or type V pit pattern. For these reasons, it is necessary to find pure IIc type and administer the correct endoscopic treatment clinically.