INTESTINE Vol.19 No.5(10)

特集名 《解説》よくわかる大腸ESD/EMRガイドライン
題名 標本の取扱いと注意点,病理学的根治度判定
発刊年月 2015年 09月
著者 八尾 隆史 順天堂大学大学院医学研究科・人体病理病態学
【 要旨 】 病変の根治性を判断するためには,EMR/ESD標本の正確な病理組織診断が必須である.そのためには切除された検体の病変の観察,固定,切り出しが適切に行われなければならない.病理診断は「大腸癌取扱い規約(第8版)」に準じて行い,治癒切除の判定においては切除断端,組織型,深達度,脈管侵襲,簇出の評価がとくに重要である.
Theme <Comprehensible explanation> "JGES guidelines for colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection/endoscopic mucosal resection"
Title Handling of resected specimens and pathological evaluation of curability
Author Takashi Yao Department of Human Pathology, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Accurate pathological diagnosis of lesions resected using endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is essential for evaluation of curability, and adequate handling of the resected specimen is necessary, including observation, fixation, and cutting of the specimen. Pathological diagnosis is carried out in accordance with the Japanese Classification of Colorectal Carcinoma (8th edition). In order to determine curability, the evaluation of resected margin, histological type, depth of invasion, lymphovascular invasion, and tumor budding is particularly important.
Since pathological factors can be affected by various artifacts and determination of lymphovascular invasion may not be complete even when using special staining, determining the curability of the lesion only on the basis of the pathology report is insufficient. Before arriving at the final decision, it is important to consider consistency with the clinical findings.