INTESTINE Vol.18 No.6(7)

特集名 腸管ベーチェット病と単純性潰瘍
題名 腸管ベーチェット病・単純性潰瘍の下部消化管病変
発刊年月 2014年 11月
著者 小林 清典 北里大学医学部新世紀医療開発センター
著者 川岸 加奈 北里大学医学部消化器内科
著者 大岡 正平 北里大学医学部消化器内科
著者 横山 薫 北里大学医学部消化器内科
著者 佐田 美和 北里大学医学部消化器内科
著者 小泉 和三郎 北里大学医学部消化器内科
【 要旨 】 腸管ベーチェット病(腸管BD)と単純性潰瘍(SU)の下部消化管病変は,典型的には回盲部に発生する大型の打ち抜き様潰瘍(定型的病変)である.なお腸管BDは,回盲部以外の下部消化管にも多発する潰瘍を合併したり,縦走潰瘍や潰瘍性大腸炎類似の腸管病変(非定型的病変)を認める場合があり,SUより病変の分布や形態が多様性を有している.また腸管病変が狭窄や瘻孔などの腸管合併症へ進展する頻度が比較的高く,経過観察を行ううえで注意が必要である.消化管造影や内視鏡による腸管BDとSUの鑑別は,定型的病変の評価のみでは困難であり,回盲部以外の消化管の精査や,腸管外病変の確認を行うことが必要である.
Theme Intestinal Behçet's disease and simple ulcer of the intestine
Title Lower gastrointestinal lesions associated with intestinal Behçet's disease and simple ulcers
Author Kiyonori Kobayashi Department of Research and Development Center for New Medical Frontiers, Kitasato University School of Medicine
Author Kana Kawagishi Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
Author Shouhei Ooka Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
Author Kaoru Yokoyama Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
Author Miwa Sada Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
Author Wasaburo Koizumi Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Lower intestinal lesions associated with intestinal Behçet's disease and simple ulcers are classically characterized by large, punched-out ulcers (typical lesions) arising in the ileocecum. Intestinal Behçet's disease may also be associated with multiple ulcers in parts of the lower gastrointestinal tract other than the ileocecum or with longitudinally oriented or ulcerative colitis-like intestinal lesions (non-typical lesions). The distribution and morphological characteristics of these lesions are more diverse than those associated with simple ulcers. Intestinal lesions demonstrate a relatively high risk of progression, leading to intestinal complications such as strictures and fistula. Close follow ups and caution are therefore required. Differentiation of intestinal Behçet's disease from simple ulcers is difficult with gastrointestinal series or endoscopic examination if only typical lesions are evaluated. Detailed examination of parts of the gastrointestinal tract other than the ileocecum and the confirmation of extraintestinal lesions are mandatory for accurate diagnosis.