INTESTINE Vol.17 No.5(2-4)

特集名 遺伝性大腸癌の診断と治療の進歩
題名 リンチ症候群 (4) 大腸以外の関連腫瘍に対する対応
発刊年月 2013年 10月
著者 菅野 康吉 栃木県立がんセンター研究所がん遺伝子研究室・がん予防研究室
【 要旨 】 最初の報告者であるHenry T. Lynchが当初Cancer Family Syndromeと呼んだように,リンチ症候群では大腸がん以外に子宮体がん,卵巣がん,尿路上皮がん,小腸がん等を含む多様な固形腫瘍を発症する.また,欧米に比べ胃がんの罹患率の高い日本や韓国では胃がんもリンチ症候群関連腫瘍に含まれる.本稿では大腸がん以外のリンチ症候群関連腫瘍の生涯罹患リスクやサーベイランス等について解説する.
Theme Recent advance in diagnosis and management of hereditary colorectal cancer
Title Lynch syndrome related tumor other than colorectal cancer
Author Kokichi Sugano Oncogene Research Unit/Cancer Prevention Unit, Tochigi Cancer Center Research Institute
[ Summary ] In the first report concerning Lynch syndrome, Henry T. Lynch described the disease as a "Cancer Family Syndrome", which is characterized by the onset of miscellaneous malignant neoplasms, comprised of carcinomas in the colorectum, endometrium, ovary, ureter, renal pelvis, small intestine, etc. Unlike western countries, stomach cancer occupies an integral part of Lynch syndrome related cancer in Asian countries such as Japan and Korea, where the incidence of stomach cancer is higher than those of western countries. This article reviews Lynch syndrome related cancer other than colorectal cancer, focusing on their lifetime risk, genotype-phenotype correlation, clinical management and surveillance.