INTESTINE Vol.17 No.4(2-6-1)

特集名 回盲部潰瘍性病変
題名 [各論](6) 腸管ベーチェット病と単純性潰瘍の異同 a.同じとする立場から
発刊年月 2013年 08月
著者 清水 誠治 大阪鉄道病院消化器内科
著者 横溝 千尋 大阪鉄道病院消化器内科
著者 石田 哲士 大阪鉄道病院消化器内科
著者 森 敬弘 大阪鉄道病院消化器内科
著者 富岡 秀夫 大阪鉄道病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 腸管ベーチェット病と回盲部にみられる単純性潰瘍の定型的病変は画像的にも病理学的にも区別がつかない.両疾患の文献報告例を集計し,画像診断的特徴を比較したが基本的に相違は見出せなかった.両疾患の診断基準がまったく異なっているため異同を論じることは困難である.しかし頻度は低いが病型の移行がみられており,同一のスペクトラムに属する疾患と考えて,疾患概念を再構築していく必要がある.
Theme Ulcerative lesions in the ileocecal region
Title Defining intestinal Behçet's disease and ileocecal simple ulcers ; the same entity ?
Author Seiji Shimizu Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Osaka General Hospital of West Japan Railway Company
Author Chihiro Yokomizo Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Osaka General Hospital of West Japan Railway Company
Author Tetsuji Ishida Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Osaka General Hospital of West Japan Railway Company
Author Takahiro Mori Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Osaka General Hospital of West Japan Railway Company
Author Hideo Tomioka Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Osaka General Hospital of West Japan Railway Company
[ Summary ] Typical lesions associated with intestinal Behçet's disease and those associated with ileocecal simple ulcer cannot be discriminated from each other through clinical images or pathological findings. The features observed in clinical images in both diseases were compared based on 150 reported cases. No apparent differences were detected. Since the diagnostic criteria are entirely different, it is difficult to discuss the distinctions between these two diseases. Although infrequent, transition from simple ulcers to intestinal Behçet's disease is sometimes reported. These two disorders should be considered to be in the same spectrum. Disease concepts should be comprehensively reconstructed.