INTESTINE Vol.16 No.5(1-3-2)

特集名 血管関連の潰瘍性腸病変
題名 血管炎 (3) 膠原病 b. 全身性エリテマトーデス(SLE)
発刊年月 2012年 09月
著者 前畠 裕司 九州大学大学院病態機能内科学
著者 浅野 光一 九州大学大学院病態機能内科学
著者 江崎 幹宏 九州大学大学院病態機能内科学
著者 松本 主之 九州大学大学院病態機能内科学
【 要旨 】 全身性エリテマトーデス(SLE)では下部消化管病変が出現し,血管炎に起因するループス腸炎(多発潰瘍型,虚血性腸炎型)と蛋白漏出性胃腸症に分類される.多発潰瘍型は直腸・S状結腸に多発する打ち抜き状潰瘍を,虚血性腸炎型は小腸の広範な浮腫を特徴とし,蛋白漏出性胃腸症では低蛋白血症をきたす.ステロイドが奏効するが,多発潰瘍型は難治性でしばしば穿孔を合併する.そのため,SLEの経過中には消化管病変,とくに多発潰瘍型の存在を念頭におく必要がある.
Theme Intestinal ulcerations related to vascular disorders
Title Intestinal manifestations in systemic lupus erythematosus
Author Yuji Maehata Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Koichi Asano Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Motohiro Esaki Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Takayuki Matsumoto Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
[ Summary ] Gastrointestinal symptoms are common in systemic lupus erythematosu (SLE). Intestinal lesions are classified into lupus enteritis (multiple ulcer type and ischemic enteritis type) and protein-losing gastroenteropathy. In the multiple ulcer type, punched-out ulcers are found in the distal colon. In contrast, the ischemic enteritis type is characterized by diffuse submucosal edema in the small intestine. Protein-losing gastroenteropathy results in hypoproteinemia. Steroid therapy is effective for the ischemic enteritis type and protein-losing gasroenteropathy. However, the multiple ulcer type is intractable to medication, and it often causes intestinal perforations.