INTESTINE Vol.16 No.5(1-1)

特集名 血管関連の潰瘍性腸病変
題名 血管炎 (1) Henoch-Schönlein紫斑病
発刊年月 2012年 09月
著者 戸澤 勝之 兵庫医科大学内科学下部消化管科
著者 應田 義雄 兵庫医科大学内科学下部消化管科
著者 飯室 正樹 兵庫医科大学内科学下部消化管科
著者 樋田 信幸 兵庫医科大学内科学下部消化管科
著者 中村 志郎 兵庫医科大学内科学下部消化管科
著者 堀 和敏 兵庫医科大学内科学下部消化管科
著者 松本 譽之 兵庫医科大学内科学下部消化管科
【 要旨 】 Henoch-Schönlein紫斑病は毛細血管から細動静脈の血管に起因する血管炎疾患であるが,ANCAとの関連性は指摘されていない.確定診断は皮膚生検で行う.皮膚症状の後にさまざまな消化器症状を伴い,内視鏡画像は多彩な像を認める.とくに十二指腸・回腸に病変は多くみられ,大腸・胃にも病変を認めることがある.対症療法が一般的であるが,症状の強い場合はステロイドでの加療が著効する.
Theme Intestinal ulcerations related to vascular disorders
Title Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Author Katsuyuki Tozawa Division of Lower Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Yoshio Ohda Division of Lower Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Masaki Iimuro Division of Lower Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Nobuyuki Hida Division of Lower Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Shiro Nakamura Division of Lower Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Kazutoshi Hori Division of Lower Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Takayuki Matsumoto Division of Lower Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] Henoch-Schönlein purpura is characterized by vasculitis, mainly observed in capillaries and venules, not thought to be an ANCA related disease. Common symptoms are purpura and joint pain. However, it often involves the gastrointestinal tract. G-I symptoms including abdominal pain, melena and diarrhea are sometimes observed prior to definitive symptoms. In these situations, endoscopic features specific to Henoch-Schönlein purpura disease are markers for the proper diagnosis.
There are no specific treatments for this condition, however corticosteroids are often used in cases which the symptoms are severe or long lasting.