INTESTINE Vol.15 No.6(1)

特集名 大腸villous tumorの問題点を探る
題名 大腸villous tumorの定義と問題点 -- 病理の立場から
発刊年月 2011年 11月
著者 二村 聡 福岡大学医学部病理学講座
著者 佐藤 啓介 福岡大学医学部消化器外科学講
【 要旨 】 今日,villous tumorは,ほぼ全体が狭い間質を有し,分岐することなく基底部より腸管内腔側に向かって櫛状に突出し,特異な肉眼形態を呈する上皮性腫瘍と理解されている.一方,これらの腫瘍を良性と解釈し,villous adenomaと呼ぶ病理学的立場もある.この点をふまえて,villous tumorという術語の定義を再調査した結果,岩下らによる定義が本腫瘍の形態的特徴をもっともよく反映していた.
Theme Exploring problems of "villous tumor"
Title Definition of villous tumors of the large intestine
Author Satoshi Nimura Department of Pathology, Fukuoka University
Author Keisuke Sato Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka University
[ Summary ] Villous tumor of the large intestine is a descriptive term used both by histopathologists and clinicians. Macroscopically, villous tumors are generally broad-based, sessile lesions with a coarse, somewhat friable surface consisting of numerous fronds. Histologically, leaf-like projections consist of a core of lamina propria covered by a sheet of neoplastic epithelial cells. On the other hand, villous tumor is often called villous adenoma by European histopathologists since 1976. As a result of our research, the definition of villous tumors made by Iwashita in 1986 is thought to be very useful for histopathologists to produce detailed explanations of morphological features.