INTESTINE Vol.15 No.3(2-8)

特集名 潰瘍性大腸炎のTherapeutic Strategy─Standardな治療法から最新情報まで
題名 [各論]新規治療法(clinical trial)の現状
発刊年月 2011年 05月
著者 横山 薫 北里大学東病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 炎症性腸疾患に対する新規薬剤の開発と臨床試験は欧米並びに本邦で積極的に行われている.現在本邦で治験が行われ実用化が期待される薬剤として,5-ASA製剤(AJG501,MD-0901)や欧米でも潰瘍性大腸炎に対し治験中の抗TNF-α抗体製剤 (アダリムマブ,golimumab),さらに抗TNF-α抗体製剤無効例に対し効果が期待される抗α4β7 インテグリン抗体(MLN0002)並びにα4β7/α4β1 インテグリン接着阻害薬(AJM300)などが挙げられる.薬剤の特徴と副作用を理解し,各々の病態に適した薬物療法を選択していく必要がある.
Theme Therapeutic strategy for ulcerative colitis ; from standard to up-to-date
Title New drugs for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease
Author Kaoru Yokoyama Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
[ Summary ] New drugs for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease have been aggressively developed and studied clinically in Western countries and Japan. Promising drugs currently in clinical trails in Japan include 5-aminosalicylic acid preparations (AJG501 and MD-0901). In Western countries, drugs being developed for the treatment of ulcerative colitis include anti-tumor necrosis factor-α antibody preparations (adalimumab, golimumab), as well as anti-α4α7 integrin monoclonal antibodies (vedolizumab [MLN0002]) and α4α7 /α4α1 integrin adhesion inhibitors (AJM300). These latter drugs are expected to be effective in cases that are refractory to anti-tumor necrosis factor-α antibody preparations. Therapy best suited to individual patients should be selected after understanding the characteristics and side effects of newly developed drugs.