INTESTINE Vol.14 No.6(2-2)

特集名 直腸(Rb)癌の謎
題名 [各論](2) 直腸の腺腫~早期癌の特性 -- とくに直腸Rb
発刊年月 2010年 11月
著者 藤井 隆広 藤井隆広クリニック
【 要旨 】 直腸癌は,近年減少傾向にあるものの,直腸の進行癌は未だに多く,その前癌病変についての詳細は不明である.今回,その前癌病変を明らかにすることを目的に検討を試みたが,直腸Rbにおける前癌病変についての謎は深まるばかりである.直腸Rbには過形成性結節,過形成性ポリープ,LST-G,carcinoid tumorなどが多く認められるものの,de novo発癌の表面型腫瘍,とくに陥凹型腫瘍やLST-NGは少ない.しかしながら,直腸とS状結腸においては,他部位に比べて癌の浸潤スピードが早い傾向が認められた.直腸病変の見逃しを防ぐ意味で,直腸Rbにおいては,Ra領域の観察を意識した直腸内反転観察の必要性についても言及した.
Theme Mystery concerning the lower rectum
Title Features of adenoma and early cancer in the lower rectum
Author Takahiro Fujii Fujii Takahiro Clinic
[ Summary ] Although rectal cancer has been decreasing in relation to colorectal cancer, a high number of rectal cancers are still detected. It is unclear how to define pre-cancerous lesion in the lower rectum. The aim of this study is to try to clarify the definition of pre-cancerous lesions in the lower rectum. However, the elucidation of these conditions has not yet been performed. There are many types of hyperplastic nodules or polyps, granular tumors, laterally spreading tumors, and carcinoid tumors which occur in the lower rectum. On the other hand, depressed type cancer and non-granular laterally spreading tumors are less common. These tumors tend to exhibit rapid malignant growth when located in the sigmoid colon and rectum as compared to other locations. Methods to observe the rectum with the U-turn technique are described. It is considered important to observe the middle rectum with this U-turn technique, to prevent overlooking lesions in the lower rectum.