INTESTINE Vol.14 No.5(9)

特集名 内科医にわかってほしいクローン病の外科治療
題名 クローン病術後再発予防 -- 内科的治療
発刊年月 2010年 09月
著者 鈴木 康夫 東邦大学医療センター佐倉病院内科
【 要旨 】 クローン病では経過中に各種腸管合併症が高頻度に形成され外科的治療に至る症例が少なくない.また,多くの症例では術後早期の段階から吻合部を中心に再発し,なかにはその後再度外科的治療に至る症例も出現してくる.術後再発は患者QOLを大いに損なうことから,術後適切な再発予防策を実施することはきわめて重要である.本稿では術後再発予防を適切に実施するために,積極的予防治療が必要となる症例の選択基準と各治療法の術後再発予防に対する有効性について解説した.
Theme Surgical therapy for Crohn's disease -- Essentials for physician
Title Postoperative Crohn's disease recurrence -- prophylactic medications
Author Yasuo Suzuki Department of Gastroenterology, Otsu Municipal Hospital
[ Summary ] Crohn's disease (CD) patients frequently require surgery for intestinal complications arising from their disease, such as fistulas, strictures, abscesses or perforations. The majority of CD patients will develop postoperative recurrence soon after surgery and require subsequent surgery. It is very important to prevent postoperative recurrence with medications to minimize the likelihood of disabling CD outcomes. A small percentage of CD patients do not develop postoperative recurrence. However, most do and particular medications very in their efficacy for postoperative CD prevention. Therefore, it is necessary to identify patients who are most likely to benefit from prophylactic medications and which medications are most effective for the maintenance of postoperative CD remission. Those issues are outlined.