INTESTINE Vol.14 No.5(8)

特集名 内科医にわかってほしいクローン病の外科治療
題名 クローン病の外科的再発を防ぐ
発刊年月 2010年 09月
著者 河野 透 旭川医科大学外科学講座消化器病態外科学分野
【 要旨 】 罹病期間中にクローン病に起因する腸管病変で外科的治療を受ける割合はきわめて高く,問題点は外科的再発が繰り返されることにある.生活因子で喫煙は負の因子として排除すべきである.腸管手術手技に関して小腸の小病変に限れば狭窄形成術が推奨されるが,10年で25%の再手術率である.小腸,大腸病変において病変腸管切除後の吻合部狭窄による再手術率がきわめて高い(5年で25%).現時点で再発防止,癒着防止の観点から吻合法は機能的端端吻合より手縫い側側吻合が推奨される.今後,再発形式の特徴を鑑みた新たな吻合法(S式吻合)が期待される.
Theme Surgical therapy for Crohn's disease -- Essentials for physician
Title Prevention of surgical recurrence in Crohn's disease
Author Toru Kono Division of Gastroenterologic and General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Asahikawa Medical University
[ Summary ] The number of surgical therapies performed for Crohn's disease-induced intestinal lesions is extremely high, raising concerns of a vicious cycle of surgical recurrence due to relapse or recurrence of the disease. The causative role of smoking as a lifestyle factor in Crohn's disease should be excluded. Strictureplasty is advocated as the surgical technique of chice for treating minute lesions of the small bowel. Nevertheless, the 10-year reoperation rate remains at 25 %. Bowel resection is performed in many cases of small and large bowel lesions, with exceptionally high rates of repeated surgery for anastomic restenosis sfter resection of diseased bowels (25 % in 5 years). Currently, hand-sewn side-to-side anastomosis is favored over functional end-to-end anastomosis for the prevention of recurrence and adhesions. A new anastomosis technique (S anastomosis technique) whitch takes into account the characteristics of recurrence and Crohn's disease is anticipated.