INTESTINE Vol.14 No.5(3)

特集名 内科医にわかってほしいクローン病の外科治療
題名 内科医からみたクローン病の外科治療の適応
発刊年月 2010年 09月
著者 吉田 幸治 兵庫医科大学病院内科下部消化管科
著者 松本 譽之 兵庫医科大学病院内科下部消化管科
【 要旨 】 クローン病(CD)は慢性炎症性腸疾患であり,疾病原因も未だに不明であるゆえに根治治療はなく,治療目的は速やかなる安定化と長期維持をはかり,QOLを高めることにある.しかしながら,穿孔・瘻孔形成・狭窄などの合併症をきたせば,外科的治療も必要となる.術後の再燃予防も重要であり内科治療継続が必要となる.よって発症早期や再燃早期に積極的治療を行い合併症を予防することが外科治療を回避する意味で重要と考える.
Theme Surgical therapy for Crohn's disease -- Essentials for physician
Title Surgical indication of Crohn's disease -- An opinion from gastroenterologist
Author Koji Yoshida Department of Lower Gastroenterology, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Takayuki Matsumoto Department of Lower Gastroenterology, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] Crohn's disease (CD) is a major form of idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The etiology of CD is insufficiently elucidated therefore, the primary aim of current CD therapy is to achieve earlier induction and longer maintenance of clinical remission to improve patients' quality of life.
However, CD patients often require intestinal resection due to intestinal complications, such as perforations, fistula, and strictures. Continuous post surgical medication is often required in order to prevent future relapse. Therefore, to prevent complications, aggressive therapy should be chosen during the early stages of the disease to avoid recurrence of active CD inflammation.