INTESTINE Vol.13 No.4(1-2)

特集名 いまこそde novo
題名 de novo 癌診断の時代変遷(2)病理の立場から
発刊年月 2009年 07月
著者 大倉 康男 杏林大学医学部病理学
【 要旨 】 大腸癌の組織発生はadenoma-carcinoma sequenceによるものであり,de novo癌はきわめてまれなものと捉えられていた.しかし,その組織発生説は隆起性病変を主体とした解析であり,癌組織診断基準は異型腫瘍性腺管の粘膜下層への浸潤像で定義されていた時代のものである.その後O-IIc型癌が発見されたことにより,表面型癌が数多く発見され,日本ではde novo癌はまれなものではないという認識に大きく変わっている.それとともに癌組織診断基準も変わってきている.しかし,大腸癌の組織発生については意見の一致をみてはいない.臨床的に大腸早期癌の全貌が捉えられつつある現在,癌組織診断基準と組織異型所見の捉え方を統一したうえでde novo癌についての議論を再度すべき時期にきているといえる。
Theme Revaluation of de nove cancer
Title Historical change of histopathological diagnosis of de novo type of colorectal cancer
Author Yasuo Ohkura Department of Pathology, Kyorin University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] In the past, the developmental processes related to colorectal cancer were thought to arise from adenomas, and that de novo cancers which arise from normal colon mucosa were very rare. However, it was determined through examination of polypoid type of cancers, which were defined as carcinomas, that atypical neoplastic glands were invading the submucosal layer. After the publication of findings on superficial depressed type of early cancers by Prof. Kudo, superficial type many cancers have been detected in Japan. de novo cancers are therefore thought to be relatively common. Because of improved detection of superficial type cancers, the histopathological definition of carcinomas in situ has gradually changed. Today, endoscopists find the whole types of early colorectal cancers. In analyzing those cancers, pathologists need to standardize the criteria for carcinoma in situ as well as histopathological fi gures, and then will discuss the existence of de novo cancers.