INTESTINE Vol.13 No.3(3)

特集名 colitic cancer診断update
題名 3. サーベイランスと問題点
発刊年月 2009年 05月
著者 渡邉 聡明 帝京大学医学部外科
【 要旨 】 潰瘍性大腸炎合併癌の早期発見のために定期的に内視鏡検査を行うサーベイランスの重要性が指摘されてきた.しかし,サーベイランスを行う対象,方法,生検組織の病理検査結果に基づく治療方針,などに関しては必ずしも統一された指針が確立されていないのが現状である.とくに,生検採取方法は,step biopsyと,有所見部からのみ生検を行う狙撃生検のどちらが有用かは重要な問題である.これらの点を含め,サーベイランスに関する問題点について概説した.
Theme Update in management of colitic cancer
Title Controversies in surveillance for ulcerative colitis
Author Toshiaki Watanabe Department of Surgery, Teikyo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Colorectal cancer is an important and life threatening complication associated with ulcerative colitis. The risk of cancer and/or dysplasia increases with the duration of the disease. Studies have shown that surveillance colonoscopy is important in order to detect malignant lesions at an early stage. However, there are some controversial issues in regard to protocols for surveillance programs. It is still unknown what the best method is to obtain biopsy specimens during colonoscopies. Step biopsies, taking four specimens every 10 cm in the large bowel, were widely performed previously. However, recent studies have shown that targeted biopsy may be more effective from the view point of cost or human resources. Another important issue is how to treat patients when low grade dysplasia is found in surveillance colonoscpic examination. Some studies recommend performing surgical resection while others recommend intense follow ups. This paper reviews controversies related to surveillance of ulcerative colitis.