INTESTINE Vol.13 No.2(3-3)

特集名 大腸癌画像診断の最先端
題名 3. 大腸癌の質的・量的診断 (3) 三次元超音波内視鏡(3D-EUS)の有用性と課題
発刊年月 2009年 03月
著者 小林 清典 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 迎 美幸 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 竹内 瞳 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 春木 聡美 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 横山 薫 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 佐田 美和 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 木田 光広 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 西元寺 克禮 北里大学東病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 大腸癌の画像診断における三次元超音波内視鏡(3D-EUS)の有用性について解説した.従来機種と比較した場合の利点は,ラジアル表示のみならずリニア表示や3D 表示ができ,深達度診断を行ううえでの情報量が飛躍的に増加したことにある.さらにEUS 所見の詳細な見直しが可能であり,診断精度の向上に活用できると考える.3D─EUS は描出困難例の克服にも有用で,従来のラジアル表示では描出困難なひだ上や有茎性の病変も,リニア表示で明瞭に描出できる場合がある.大腸癌の深達度診断において,3D-EUS は有用な機種であると考える.
Theme Frontier of image diagnosis for colorectal carcinoma
Title Diagnosis of colorectal cancer with three dimensional endoscopic ultrasonography (3D-EUS)
Author Kiyonori Kobayashi Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Miyuki Mukae Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Hitomi Takeuchi Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Satomi Haruki Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Kaoru Yokoyama Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Miwa Sada Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Mitsuhiro Kida Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Katsunori Saigenji Department of Gastroenterology, Kitasato University East Hospital
[ Summary ] We explain the clinical usefulness of three dimensional endoscopic ulrasonography (3D-EUS) for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. By using 3D-EUS, radial and linear images of the tumor can be displayed. After the completion of EUS examinations, 3D images (oblique projection and surface rendering images) can be reconstructed by computerized image processing. These features facilitate an understanding of the 3D structure of tumors. The ability of 3D-EUS to visualize linear images as well as radial images has improved diagnostic accuracy for many lesions. In comparison with the 3D-EUS images of the esophagus or stomach, scanning of the colon and rectum is usually unaffected by heart pulsation, and clear linear images can, therefore, be obtained. Moreover, 3D-EUS is useful to decrease the number of lesions that are difficult to image with conventional EUS. In conclusion, three dimensional endoscopic ulrasonography is expected to enhance the diagnostic accuracy of the depth of colorectal cancer invasion and help to eliminate the problem of difficult to image lesions.