INTESTINE Vol.12 No.3(3-2)

特集名 大腸腫瘍性病変の発育形態分類を考える
題名 Is + IIcの取り扱い (2) PG・NPG分類からみた“Is + IIc”の分類・診断
発刊年月 2008年 05月
著者 中島 健 国立がんセンター中央病院内視鏡部
著者 松田 尚久 国立がんセンター中央病院内視鏡部
著者 斎藤 豊 国立がんセンター中央病院内視鏡部
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Considering of the endoscopic classification in development of early colorectal cancer
Title Endoscopic subclassiflcation of Is + IIc type early coloreetal cancer
Author Takeshi Nakajima Division of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center Hospital
Author Takahisa Matsuda Division of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center Hospital
Author Yutaka Saito Division of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center Hospital
[ Summary ] Is + IIc type early stage colorectal neoplasms can be divided into two types ; the NPG (non-polypoid growth) type and the PG (polypoid growth) type. The relation between the depth of invasion and the size of several types of early colorectal cancer for example, types Is + IIc, IIa + IIc and Is were examind. The incidence of submucosal invasion in Is + IIc lesions was relatively high compared to other types. This was especially, so in NPG-type Is + IIc colorectal cancer when it was over 11 mm in size. The rate of submucosal invasion in those cases reached 96.7 % (29 / 30). Even with smaller lesions (< 10 mm),the incidence of submucosal invasion with NPG-type Is + IIc lesions was 62.5 (5 / 8) whereas that for the Is type was only 0.4 % (6 / 1,393). In regard to PG-type Is + IIc lesions, larger than 11 mm in diameter, the rate of submucosal invasion was 67.9 % (19 / 28) . This suggests that some PG-type Is + IIc colorectal lesions may be intramucosal cancer. Therefore, proper treatment cannot be rendered without accurate endoscopic diagnosis, including magnifying examination.