INTESTINE Vol.11 No.4(2-1-1)

特集名 早期直腸癌の治療 -- 局所切除 vs. 内視鏡的治療
題名 [各論](1) 早期直腸癌の内視鏡的治療 a. 直腸腫瘍に対するESDの有用性 -- TARと比較して
発刊年月 2007年 07月
著者 真下 由美 国立がんセンター中央病院内視鏡部/調布東山病院内科
著者 斎藤 豊 国立がんセンター中央病院内視鏡部
著者 浦岡 俊夫 国立がんセンター中央病院内視鏡部/岡山大学大学院医歯薬総合研究科消化器・肝臓・感染症内科学
著者 松田 尚久 国立がんセンター中央病院内視鏡部
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Treatment of early rectal cancer -- Local excision vs. endoscopic resection
Title Usefulness of endoscopic submucosal dissection for rectal lesions : an alternative technique to transanal resection
Author Yumi Mashimo Division of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center Hospital / Department of Internal Medicine, Chofu Tozan Hospital
Author Yutaka Saito Division of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center Hospital
Author Toshio Uraoka Division of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center Hospital / Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences / Okayama University Hospital
Author Takahisa Matsuda Division of Endoscopy, National Cancer Center Hospital
[ Summary ] ESD was used to treat rectal lesions which could not be adequately treated with conventional EMR, to decrease local recurrence rates. Results after treatment with ESD and TAR were compared.
Regarding local recurrence, there have been no cases in the ESD group (median follow-up period, 14 months). In contrast, local recurrence has been 6 out of 19 lesions (32 %) in the TAR group (median follow-up period, 43.5 months).
Regarding early and late complications, there were 2 types of complications related to ESD. Rectal perforations occurred in 2 patients out of 33 (6 %) and minor post-procedure bleeding occurred in 1 patient (3 %). However, all 3 cases were successfully managed conservatively with no blood transfusions or additional procedures necessary. In comparison, there were 2 types of complications with TAR [2 cases (10 %) of post-procedure minor bleeding].
In conclusion, results demonstrated that ESD seems more effective for decreasing local recurrence rates compared to TAR.
There was a small, but significant number of complications associated with ESD procedures. ESD techniques are difficult to manage and available at a limited number of institutions.
The best management technique is to select procedures in accordance with the character of the lesions and patients overall condition, considering the benefits or problems with ESD and TAR.