INTESTINE Vol.11 No.3(3-3-1)

特集名 ダブルバルーン/カプセル内視鏡 -- 診断・治療のアルゴリズム
題名 小腸疾患診断・治療の今後のアルゴリズム (3) 腫瘍性病変,その他 a. 小腸腫瘍性疾患の診断と治療の実際
発刊年月 2007年 05月
著者 平井 郁仁 福岡大学筑紫病院消化器科
著者 関 剛彦 福岡大学筑紫病院消化器科
著者 八尾 建史 福岡大学筑紫病院消化器科
著者 松井 敏幸 福岡大学筑紫病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme An algorithm for finding and treatment of small intestinal disease -- DBE and CE
Title Diagnosis and treatment of small intestinal tumors
Author Fumihito Hirai Department of Gastroenterology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Author Takehiko Seki Department of Gastroenterology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Author Kenshi Yao Department of Gastroenterology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Author Toshiyuki Matsui Department of Gastroenterology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
[ Summary ] X-ray examination has been until recently, the main procedure for diagnosis of small intestinal diseases. Since the advent of the new procedures double balloon endoscopy (DBE) and capusule endoscopy (CE) diagnostic procedures for the small intestine have changed. DBE and CE enable endoscopists to investigate the entire small intestine. Therefore, the algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of small intestinal tumors (SIT) has changed. Diagnosis of diseases of the small intestine is usually performed with DBE and X-ray examinations at our hospital. In this manuscript algorithms for obtaining diagnoses in patients with SIT, are our outlines.