INTESTINE Vol.11 No.2(5)

特集名 大腸のNBI
題名 トピック -- 新生血管 (腫瘍,炎症) と既存血管の形態的違い (NBIの病理に関して)
発刊年月 2007年 03月
著者 山岸 秀嗣 獨協医科大学病理学 (人体分子)
著者 小野 祐子 獨協医科大学病理学 (人体分子)
著者 福井 広一 獨協医科大学病理学 (人体分子)
著者 藤盛 孝博 獨協医科大学病理学 (人体分子)
著者 佐野 寧 佐野病院消化器センター
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme NBI in colon and rectum
Title Morphological aspects of the angiogenesis in gastrointestinal tract
Author Hidetsugu Yamagishi Department of Surgical and Molecular Pathology, Dokkyo Medical University
Author Yuko Ono Department of Surgical and Molecular Pathology, Dokkyo Medical University
Author Hirokazu Fukui Department of Surgical and Molecular Pathology, Dokkyo Medical University
Author Takahiro Fujimori Department of Surgical and Molecular Pathology, Dokkyo Medical University
Author Yasushi Sano Gastrointestinal Center, SANO Hospital
[ Summary ] Newly developed magnifying endoscopic and NBI (Narrow Band Imaging) systems have made it possible to observe pit patterns on the mucosal surface of the colon and vascular structurs in the colonic mucosa. With the NBI system, two specific frequencies of 415 and 540 nm are used. These frequencies can be absorbed in the hemoglobin of red blood cells and subsequently enhance vascular observation. NBI systems are useful to enhance images of vessels and enable us to distinguish tumor vessels from normal vessels in the colonic mucosa. With greater understanding of the morphological character of tumor vessels, we will be able to more precisely distinguish tumor tissues from other tissues.