INTESTINE Vol.10 No.4(4-3)

特集名 大腸serrated polyp -- large hyperplastic polyp も含めて
題名 大腸large hyperplastic polyp (3) 大腸large hyperplastic polypと大腸癌の関連
発刊年月 2006年 07月
著者 佐野 寧 薫風会佐野病院消化器センター
著者 矢野 友規 国立がんセンター東病院内視鏡部
著者 傅 光義 獨協医科大学放射線科
著者 藤井 隆広 藤井隆広クリニック
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Serrated polyp of the colon, including large hyperplastic polyp
Title Large hyperplastic polyp of the colorectum : relationship between large hyperplastic polyp and colorectal cancer
Author Yasushi Sano Gastointestinal Center, SANO Hospital
Author Tomonori Yano Division of Endoscopy, National Cancer Hospital East
Author Kuang-I Fu Department of Radiology, Dokkyo Medical University
Author Takahiro Fujii Takahiro Fujii Clinic
[ Summary ] Hyperplastic polyps of the colorectum has been generally small, diminutive, predominantly left side colon, and considered benign lesion. Large HPs (>10 mm in size) were rare. Recently it was reported that some of large HPs were associated with synchronous carcinoma and had a potential of developing to carcinoma.
In this review, we described the data that genetic alternations were observed in many cases of LHPs. We suggest that LHPs was the entity that need to remove in clinical practice.