INTESTINE Vol.1 No.1(2)

特集名 いかにして大腸IIcを見つけるか
題名 大腸IIcの見つけ方 --パターン認識の重要性
発刊年月 1997年 01月
著者 森川 浩志 大阪医科大学第二内科
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme How to Detect IIc Lesion
Title Technique for finding depressed colorectal carcinomas
Author Hiroshi Morikawa Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
[ Summary ] Recently, with the increasing westernization of life styles in Japan, the incidence of colorectal cancers has also been increasing. It is known that intramucosal carcinoma of the colon occurs without lymph node metastasis according to the reports of various investing ators. In the past, lesions targeted for this treatment were of the exophytic type. However, with recent advances in endoscopy and Kudo's achievement, depressed early colonic carcinoma's are often detected. Among the characteristic endoscopic features of depressed early colorectal carcinoma's are redness, fine granularity and defects of the innominate groove on the lesional surface.