臨牀消化器内科 Vol.34 No.8(3-4)

特集名 腹膜炎・腹水に対する診療の進歩
題名 悪性腫瘍に伴う腹膜炎・腹水の診療 (4) 婦人科癌による癌性腹膜炎
発刊年月 2019年 07月
著者 西尾 真 久留米大学医学部産科婦人科学講座
【 要旨 】 婦人科がん,とくに卵巣がんにおける癌性腹水はQOLを著しく損ねてしまう原因であり,腹水をコントロールすることは症状を緩和するためだけでなく,患者のQOLを維持するうえで非常に重要である.そのためには,内科的治療と病態に応じた外科的処置を組み合わせた治療を行うことが重要であるが,難治性腹水を呈する症例にしばしば遭遇する.近年,卵巣がんでも保険収載となった血管新生阻害薬であるベバシズマブが,化学療法との併用により,卵巣がんの腹水コントロールに有用であったという臨床試験の結果が報告された.実地臨床においても広く行われ,腹水コントロールが以前に比べマネージメント可能となった.今後は単剤でのベバシズマブ腹腔内投与や他のモノクローナル抗体の治療効果にも期待したい.
Theme Advancement of Medical Practice for Peritonitis and Ascites
Title Management of Peritoneal Cancer Secondary to Gynecological Malignancy
Author Shin Nishio Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kurume University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Ovarian cancer (OC) is the eighth most lethal gynecological malignancy and serves as the primary cause of gynecological cancer deaths in industrialized countries. Malignant ascites often occurs in women with OC, and approximately 10 % of women develop recurrent OC. Tumor cells in malignant ascites secondary to OC promote disease recurrence, and mortality is mainly associated with widespread metastasis to serosal surfaces and accompanying peritoneal effusions. Targeted therapies have recently been developed as novel therapeutic options for malignant ascites. The tri‒functional anti‒epithelial cell adhesion molecule and the anti‒cluster of differentiation 3 monoclonal antibody catumaxomab have been assessed to treat malignant ascites and have shown proven efficacy in significantly reducing the ascitic flow rate when administered intraperitoneally. The anti‒angiogenic agent bevacizumab has shown good efficacy in the symptomatic treatment of malignant ascites, significantly prolonging the time interval between paracentesis. These agents are effective in symptomatic control of ascites, leading to a rapid reduction in effusion and also prolong the time interval between paracentesis. However, further large‒scale studies are required to conclusively determine whether the reduction in ascites using targeted therapy with these agents can prolong tumor‒related survival in such patients.