臨牀消化器内科 Vol.34 No.8(2-1)

特集名 腹膜炎・腹水に対する診療の進歩
題名 感染性腹膜炎・腹水の診療 (1) 急性細菌性腹膜炎
発刊年月 2019年 07月
著者 金子 学 東京大学腫瘍外科
著者 石原 聡一郎 東京大学腫瘍外科
【 要旨 】 急性細菌性腹膜炎とは,消化管や泌尿生殖器から感染が波及し腹膜に炎症を生じたものである.原因疾患としては,虫垂炎,胆囊炎,大腸穿孔などが多い.病状が増悪すると,汎発性腹膜炎,エンドトキシンショック,多臓器不全の状態に陥り重篤となる.診察や血液検査のみでの診断は困難で,CTや超音波検査などの画像検査が有用である.急性細菌性腹膜炎の治療は,補液と抗菌薬投与による初期治療を行い全身状態を改善し,手術や経皮的ドレナージにより感染巣のコントロールを行うことである.本稿では,急性細菌性腹膜炎の病態,診断法,治療法について概説する.
Theme Advancement of Medical Practice for Peritonitis and Ascites
Title Secondary Peritonitis
Author Manabu Kaneko Department of Surgical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Author Soichiro Ishihara Department of Surgical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
[ Summary ] Acute bacterial peritonitis is a condition in which inflammation has spread from the gastrointestinal tract or urogenital organs to the peritoneum. Common causes of acute bacterial peritonitis include appendicitis, cholecystitis, and a large intestinal perforation. Severe inflammation and subsequent deterioration in the patient's medical condition can cause a severe state of generalized peritonitis, endotoxic shock, and multiorgan dysfunction. Only physical examination and blood tests cannot accurately diagnose this condition: therefore, imaging studies such as computed tomography (CT) or ultrasonography are required. Treatment of acute bacterial peritonitis includes immediate initiation of fluid resuscitation and antibiotic administration to improve the patient's general condition, followed by measures to control the septic focus surgically or via percutaneous drainage. In this section, we outline the pathophysiology of acute bacterial peritonitis, the diagnostic methods, and the treatment strategies for this condition.