臨牀消化器内科 Vol.34 No.3(4-1)

特集名 CT colonography 2019―今日までの進歩と現状,そして大腸がん検診への展開
題名 CT colonography―検査法を巡って (1) 基本検査法
発刊年月 2019年 03月
著者 北井 孝明 国家公務員共済組合連合会舞鶴共済病院放射線技術科
【 要旨 】 CT colonography (CTC)の前処置および撮影方法はさまざまなエビデンスが報告されているが,エンドポイントは患者の不利益とC-RADS(CT colonography Reporting And Data System)評価のスコアC0(診断できない)を防ぐことにある.そのためには撮影方法の標準化をはかることが重要で,それは対策型大腸がん検診における精検受診率の向上にも繋がると考える.
Theme CT Colonography 2019 -- Recent Advances, Current Status and Its Evaluation as a Modality for Organized Cancer Screening
Title Basic Scanning Method of CTC
Author Takaaki Kitai Maiduru Kyosai Hospital
[ Summary ] A lot of evidence has been reported about bowel preparation and its scan conditions for CT colonography (CTC). The end point is to prevent both disadvantages of patients and inadequate preparation (=Score C0 by C-RADS assessment).
Therefore, it is important to standardize CTC scan conditions and we expect to increase the population-based screening rate for colorectal cancer as a result.
Colomfort® oral suspension, PEG-CM method with Niflec® and Gastrografin®, and MP-C method with Magcorol P® and Gastrografin® are representative of bowel preparations for CTC. We select one depending on the patient's situation. Antispasmodics are not used because of their disadvantages.
It is important to reduce radiation doses. We also need to avoid having more than one part of the large intestine collapse in two of body positions to contribute to be improvement of diagnostic accuracy.