臨牀消化器内科 Vol.34 No.2(4-1)

特集名 胆囊癌診療の現況
題名 胆囊癌の治療 (1) 手術
発刊年月 2019年 02月
著者 青木 琢 獨協医科大学第二外科
著者 窪田 敬一 獨協医科大学第二外科
【 要旨 】 胆囊癌切除後の強力な予後因子は壁深達度とリンパ節転移であり,術前画像でリンパ節転移を正確に診断することは現状では困難であるため,壁深達度に基づく手術術式選択が行われることが一般的である.T1胆囊癌には開腹での胆囊摘出術あるいは全層胆囊摘出術±リンパ節サンプリングが行われ,切除後予後は良好である.T2胆囊癌には拡大胆囊摘出術+領域リンパ節郭清が行われるが,リンパ節郭清範囲,肝外胆管の取り扱いなど,controversialな点が未だ存在する.T3,T4胆囊癌に対しても積極的な切除が行われ,短期・長期予後ともに向上が認められているが,未だ予後不良であり,集学的治療の開発が求められる.
Theme The Current Status of Management of Gallbladder Cancer
Title Surgical Treatment for Gallbladder Cancer
Author Taku Aoki Second Department of Surgery, Dokkyo Medical University
Author Keiichi Kubota Second Department of Surgery, Dokkyo Medical University
[ Summary ] Extension of the primary tumor (T factor) and lymph node (LN) metastasis (N factor) are two strong predictors of survival after resection of gallbladder cancer (GBC). As it remains difficult to diagnose the N factor before resection, the surgical procedure is generally determined according to the T factor based on imaging findings. For T1 stage GBC, simple cholecystectomy with LN sampling is the recommended procedure. Favorable postoperative outcomes have been reported. For T2 stage GBC, extended cholecystectomy with lymphadenectomy is generally recommended aiming at obtaining R0 resection. However, some controversies exist regarding the extent of lymphadenectomy and extra-hepatic bile duct resection. For T3 and T4 GBC, aggressive surgical approaches have been applied. However survival outcomes remain unfavorable, though improved short- and long-term outcomes have been reported. The indications for extended surgical resection for advanced GBC should be cautiously judged while balancing the surgical risk and survival benefits. Development of multidisciplinary treatments are urgently needed for advanced GBCs.