臨牀消化器内科 Vol.34 No.13(2)

特集名 慢性胃炎を再考する
題名 H. pylori陽性胃粘膜の臨床検査所見―内視鏡・X線・病理を含めて
発刊年月 2019年 12月
著者 川村 昌司 仙台市立病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 本邦では以前から慢性胃炎に関する多くの知見が報告され,近年これにHelicobacter pylor(H. pylori)胃炎の知見が加わり「胃炎の京都分類」が提唱された.本分類に記載されているH. pylori陽性所見を読み解くためには,組織学的変化を考える必要がある.炎症細胞浸潤は粘膜の微小血管に変化を及ぼし,腺萎縮・腸上皮化生がみられる部位では腺開口部の微細構造変化をきたす.さらに胃内の胃炎分布の差異を知ることによりH. pylori陽性胃粘膜の通常内視鏡・X線検査所見の理解が深まる.
Theme Reconsideration of Gastritis
Title Endoscopic, Radiographic, and Histopathological Findings of the Gastric Mucosa in Cases of Helicobacter pylori Infection
Author Masashi Kawamura Department of Gastroenterology, Sendai City Hospital
[ Summary ] Several Japanese studies reported chronic gastritis prior to the discovery of H. pylori infection. The Kyoto classification of gastritis was recently proposed based on previous H. pylori‒related research. Knowledge of the histopathological features associated with H. pylori‒infected gastritis is essential to understand the conventional endoscopic findings described in the classification. Irregular microvessels, inflammatory cell infiltration, structural changes in the microsurface and histological atrophy are features of the gastric mucosa observed in cases of H. pylori infection. It is also important to note that different topographical types of gastritis may concurrently occur in a patient. Clinicians should be aware of these H. pylori‒induced histopathological and micromucosal changes for accurate radiographic and endoscopic diagnosis of H. pylori gastritis.